The biggest piece of advice to all New Moms and Expectant Moms is DON'T BUY ANY CLOTHES for your child. This will save you a bag of money that can be used elsewhere.
I am a proud mom of a 3 month old daughter and can state that we have not bought one stitch of clothing for my child yet. While I was working at my previous job a fellow coworker let me know that she had not bought any clothes for her almost 1 year old daughter because so many people had given her onesies, dresses, shoes, socks etc. She told me to focus on the big ticket items and leave the clothes for the friends and family.
With this advice in mind, my husband and I agreed that everyone loves to shop for a little girl, tons of headbands, dresses, cute onesies and bibs. So why not let friends and family have fun picking out the clothes and we stick to buying the stroller and etc.
We were fortunate to have several showers with tons of clothes at each. I quickly (after sending thank you notes) organized them by sizes keeping the newborn and 0-3 months out first and rotating her through the outfits. Then for Christmas, we were fortunate to receive clothes from size 6 months and up, so now she has a full wardrobe up until 24 mos.
Now, that my baby is growing we don't just hoard the clothes we share the wealth, I used instagram to give her clothes to those who may need it.
Bottom line is that a baby is costly and you have limited resources put your money where it is most needed.
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