Well I know that its been about 3 mos since I last wrote. Much has to do with putting a lot of hours at work and a lot of hours at home.
Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, here are three things I am thankful and grateful for.
1. My baby is 1: I am so thankful that we cross the one year threshold. It was a long year filled with beautiful and very stressful moments. Every time, I look at my baby I remember there was a time when she couldn't lift her head up off the ground and now she is getting into everything. It's truly a joy to see my healthy, curious one year old running all over the place.
2. Bible Study: So I will make no qualms, I have been trying to get my path more in line with God. I try to attend church regularly and read bible plans. However, what I am most thankful for is finding this Women's Bible Study. It's on Thursday night and I always make an excuse each week, like I am too tired etc. Yesterday, my husband said when I was making an excuse about being late and coming next week, he told me if you do that again you will never go. It was an awesome experience that allowed me to get a dose of the word during the week and meet new people. I cannot wait to go next week!
3. My Husband: In addition, to my baby girl's birthday, we also celebrated 3 years of marriage. I am so thankful for him, not to sound cheesy, but he makes up for where I lack. He encourages and believes in me more than I do in myself. I really feel that since being married he has helped me a better person. In return, we had some changes where he has left full time work and pursuing the business, so now I get to encourage and believe in him for a change.
I wanted to write this post because sometimes, I focus too much on the negatives and not on the positives. I am thankful for so much more but this morning this is what I am most thankful for.
Until next time..
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