Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mommy Groups- Are they worth it?

Since I found out I was expecting a child, I could not wait to get involved in Mommy groups and dreamed of having all these mommy friends. Flash forward about 15 months and I have been to a couple mommy meets up but I am not so sure. So here is my take on the pros and cons.


It's great to talk to people who get it. Having a baby changes everything and I mean everything, from the length of time it takes to go to a grocery store to the constant worrying you do about your little one. This is a great place to bounce ideas, best practices (sorry work lingo) and swap stories. Generally, these mommy meetup groups are low cost or free and potential life long friends can be made. Thanks to a particular group I belong to, I have learned about several others on FB.


Generally the times of the meetups are not friendly for Working Moms. Most members are stay at home moms and thus available to meet at the park in the middle of the day. For us working Mommas this can be a barrier to being an active participant. Also be prepared for some strong opinions ranging from staying at home to people who formula feed. I do formula feed and sometimes I feel that people act as if I give my child powdered poison. (Another story  for another time but if your child does not eat in the hospital for over 36 hrs, you too wouldn't care that they were eating formula) Also, for those Mommas that are single this too may make the stay at home crowd seem unreliable.

All in all, I do not write these groups off because I do want to find friends for myself and Baby K. I would be lying if I said, I feel these groups are not inclusive of all types of people and opinions. I think for each new Momma its a personal choice. Perhaps one day I can set up my own diverse group that can accomodate the SAHM and the Working Mom.

For those looking to find a group in your neighborhood:

  • Facebook
  • Meetup
  • Network - Go to local library story times, swim lessons and other community activities to meet moms.
Are you a member of a Mommy Group? How do you feel about Mom groups are they worth it?